Wed. Jul 24th, 2024

So, on November 28, it was Call to Earth Day – an awesome day dedicated to saving our planet! CNN teamed up with tons of people worldwide to shine a light on environmental issues and get everyone learning about it. This year, it was all about “Our Shared Home,” focusing on bringing humans and wildlife closer together.

Students Taking Charge

Over 200,000 people got involved, including 235 schools! And guess what? Students took the lead in doing their bit to protect our world. From making cool videos about being eco-friendly to setting up their own yard sales to raise awareness, these kids rocked at making positive changes happen!

Let’s Check Out What They Did!

Europe’s Eco-Art: Kids from The International School of Krakow in Poland got creative. They made an ECOllage using trash found in their local forest. Turning waste into a work of art, they showed their constant effort to make the world a better place.

Trash to Treasures in Kosovo: Students at the Finnish School of Kosovo went creative too! They collected glass jars, painted them, and turned them into cool art pieces. This showed everyone how reusing and recycling can be awesome.

Middle East Initiatives: At Makassed Islamic High School in Lebanon, students turned plastic bottle lids into a giant poster and even made compost from leftover food. Talk about creative solutions!

Africa’s Cleanup Crew: Over in Morocco, Greenwood School students rolled up their sleeves and cleaned up Bouskoura Forest. Armed with gloves and bags, they collected trash and made a difference.

Nigeria’s Video Message: Kids from Corona School Ikoyi in Nigeria created an awareness video about sustainable living and upcycling. They pointed out how our choices affect our natural home.

Asia’s Innovators: In India, CHIREC International School students made a news-style video exploring ways to solve water scarcity in farming areas. Talk about coming up with smart ideas!

Thailand’s Mangrove Mission: Students at United World College in Thailand collected mangrove seeds for their school’s nursery. They plan to grow the seeds and plant saplings at a coastal spot to help out.

Latin America’s Eco-Warriors: Students from New Cambridge School in Colombia raised awareness about plastic pollution. Call to Earth Day. Meanwhile, clever kids at Dualastair School in Chile found new ways to recycle plastic waste.

Global Effort: Cognita Schools from all over the world joined in too! They made art and videos. You can see a bit of their awesome work in the gallery below.

What’s the Scoop?

Earth. These kids really rocked it! From turning trash into art to cleaning up forests and making cool videos, they showed everyone how important it is to take care of our planet. It’s amazing how kids can lead the way in making our world a better place!

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