Thu. Jul 25th, 2024

Call to Earth Day hit its third year, bringing together a global force for the planet. It’s all about pushing sustainability and conservation to the forefront. This time, the theme “Our Shared Home” zoomed in on connecting humans and wildlife, getting everyone involved in protecting our planet.

Big Turnout for a Big Cause

Over 200,000 people joined in, including 235 schools worldwide. Students took charge, stepping up to make a difference for Mother Earth. They rolled up their sleeves, getting creative and putting in the effort to spread the word on environmental awareness.

Europe’s Environmental Art and Upcycling

The International School of Krakow in Poland got artsy, turning forest trash into an “ECOllage” masterpiece. They transformed unwanted waste into art to show how they’re constantly working together for a better world.

Meanwhile, the Finnish School of Kosovo got hands-on, turning trashy glass jars into cool artworks. The idea? To promote the importance of reusing and recycling.

Middle East Making Eco-Moves

Lebanon’s Makassed Islamic High School made a splash with their projects. They turned plastic bottle lids into a giant poster and even tried their hand at making compost from leftover food.

Africa’s Cleanup Crusaders

In Morocco, Greenwood School pupils didn’t shy away from the dirty work. They took on Bouskoura Forest, cleaning up trash armed with gloves and garbage bags.

And in Nigeria, the kids from Corona School Ikoyi put together an awareness video on sustainable living and upcycling. They highlighted how our choices affect our natural habitat.

Asia: Taking Action for Water and Mangroves

Students at CHIREC International School in India dived into the issue of water scarcity through a news-style video. Their goal? To figure out how to tackle this problem in farming areas.

Meanwhile, United World College in Thailand’s Mangrove and Gardening club went hands-on by collecting mangrove seeds for their school’s nursery. They’re planning to grow them into saplings and plant them along the coast.

Latin America’s Fight Against Plastic Pollution

Fifth-graders at New Cambridge School in Colombia put their energy into raising awareness about plastic pollution this Call to Earth Day.

Over in Chile, the innovative minds at Dualastair School came up with clever ways to recycle plastic waste, showcasing their creativity in tackling environmental issues.

Cognita Schools Going Artistic Worldwide

From Chile to Thailand, Cognita Schools didn’t hold back. They got creative with artwork and videos, sharing just a glimpse of their contributions to the cause.

Final Thoughts

Students across continents showed their commitment to the planet. They proved that a little creativity, teamwork, and passion can go a long way in making our world a better place. Whether it’s art, cleanups, or educational videos, these efforts remind us that everyone can play a part in protecting our shared home.

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